The contest aims to find a design that represents the growth and spirit of IFI during its formation and development. The winning design will be chosen as a commemorative logo, used in activities organized by IFI in 2023 to celebrate this important milestone.
*Note: The 30th-anniversary logo is only used within 2023, unable to replace the original logo. All administrative documents still use the original logo as the only official logo of IFI.
Participants: Individuals or groups 03 people, with no age, gender and nationality restrictions.
Contest rules:
- Each individual or group can submit up to 3 logos.
- The submitted logo should reflect IFI's slogan "Innovation without borders", as well as its experiences in training activities and hope to become a Francophone university in the Asia-Pacific region.
- Dominant color: Burgundy Red (color code: #800020)
- The submitted logo should be harmonious with the name and abbreviation of IFI. (view sample here)
- Format: Can be sent in .jpg; .png or .pdf. Besides, the winner must send the raw file of the designed logo, along with a paragraph in .doc (<500 words) explaining the meaning of the logo.
- The submitted logo should never be published in any media channel domestically and abroad. Authors or groups of authors must guarantee the copyright to their works. The Organizer is not responsible for any copyright and related rights disputes. The Organizer will revoke the prize and the certificate if there is a breach of copyright by law.
- The submitted logo will be considered eligible if it does not violate the regulations and laws of the State of Vietnam or go against the fine customs and traditions of the nation.
- The ownership of the copyright for the First Prize belongs to the International Francophone Institute.
Judging criteria: The final result includes:
50% from the Jury for the creativity and message of the design.
50% from votes (likes/reactions, comments, shares) on Facebook.
1 reaction = 2 points (angry reaction doesn't count)
1 comment = 2 points
1 share (in public) = 5 points
Judging process:

The Organizers will award the First Prize with:
The contest results are announced on the official website of IFI: https://ifi.vnu.edu.vn/ and the Fanpage of the International Francophone Institute.
How to submit:
Please send your design via email: truyenthong.ifi@vnu.edu.vn
- Title: Design logo for the 30th anniversary of IFI – [Name of person/group].
- Content: Write your full name or the names of group members.
- Attachment: the submitted logo should be in .jpg; .png or .pdf, along with a paragraph (.doc) (<500 words) explaining the meaning of the logo.
Room 108 (1st floor), Building E5, Vietnam National University, 144 Xuân Thuỷ, Cầu Giấy, Hanoi.
Phone: (+84) 886 777 714 (Ms. Như).
Email: truyenthong.ifi@vnu.edu.vn