International Francophone Institute

Lê Đình Tuyển and Võ Huy Thăng won the first Prize in the Vertical Digital Short Film Contest organized for the first time in Vietnam by IFI

Lê Đình Tuyển and Võ Huy Thăng won the first Prize in the Vertical Digital Short Film Contest organized for the first time in Vietnam by IFI
More than 6 months after its opening, the Vertical Digital Short Film Contest closed on September 5, 2019 in Hanoi.

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(General view of the contest)

This pioneering contest is unique in being the first of its kind held in Vietnam, as such, it must be considered an important event in the series of IFI's science and communication development activities, which include: The International Conference on "New media in the era of digital transformation" (April, 2019); The Cinema 4.0 Training Course (June, 2019); The Information Communication Research Lab and the upcoming Master in Information Communication (expected to start in November, 2019) in cooperation with University of Toulon (France).

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(Dr. Ngô Tự Lập, IFI Director)

More than 70 videos

The jury is composed of specialists, critics and artists recognized in Vietnam and around the world. These include the renowned Vietnamese Director Đặng Nhật Minh, who was awarded the Ho Chi Minh Prize and Francois Serre, president of the organization "Festival Courant 3D" Angoulême. Since its launch on January 15, the contest has received more than 70 works.

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(Director Đặng Nhật Minh)

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Mr. François Serre, President of Prenez Du Relief Association (organizer of the 3D Angoulême Short Film Festival)

About the 9/16 Vertical Feature Film: This increasingly popular format is the one used on smartphones and tablets, and therefore valued by news channels, and other platforms such as Netflix and YouTube. Although the smartphone is usually used for this type of format, it is possible to work with conventional professional tools. It is also an opportunity for professional filmmakers to experiment with new narrative styles.

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With "Trôi", Lê Đình Tuyển was offered a trip to France with participation of the 3D Film Festival in Angoulême which will take place in October, 2019. The second prize, a Nokia 7 Plus mobile phone, was awarded for Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương, an independent director with her film "Mẹ yêu con nhất trên đời" and the third prize, a Nokia 6.1 mobile phone was awarded to Trần Trung Hiếu from Vietnam Television, with his film "Claustrophobia". The contest also awarded 3 incentive awards.

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