International Francophone Institute

Vietnam's Successful Battle Against COVID-19

Vietnam's Successful Battle Against COVID-19
As of May 6, Vietnam’s Ministry of Health confirmed a total of 241 cases of COVID-19. As the world's most successful nation in tackling with Covid-19, Vietnam is cautiously lifting social distancing measures and restrictions on movement, UK Telegraph reported. After being closed for nearly a month, Vietnam's once-bustling stalls, shops and restaurants are open once again.

According to The Diplomat, Vietnam’s model for containing the outbreak has been touted as a successful low-cost model. Whereas its neighbors, Taiwan and South Korea, could afford mass testing, Vietnam lacked the resources and instead opted for selective but proactive prevention. Vietnam found its success in proactiveness. Over the course of three months since the first case, Vietnam has not hesitated to restrict movements where needed, balancing overt caution with precision.

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The underlying factor that enables the Vietnamese government’s success is the mobilization of nationalism. The government has framed the virus as a common foreign enemy and called on the unity of the population to defeat it, echoing the enduring history of a nation always threatened by foreign invaders. Since “day one,” the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and the state have led the fight with the motto “fighting the epidemic is like fighting against the enemy.”

According to CFR, By all measures, three months into this war, Vietnam has been among the most successful countries in the world, if not the most successful, in the fight against COVID-19. Meanwhile, the United States, the richest and most powerful country in the world, struggles to provide even basic protective medical equipment to its medical professionals and has yet to institute an effective and comprehensive testing regimen for its citizens.

Vietnam also has used effective tracing methods, from much earlier on in the pandemic that many other countries. It has mobilized huge numbers of people to serve as tracers, making it possible to track down all or nearly all the contacts of infected people, and then to track down the contacts of those contacts, to ensure the virus did not spread.

Vietnam’s model is an example for countries and territories with limited resources and/or at the early stages of fighting COVID-19 with a low number of cases, CFR said.