Các xuất bản thuộc danh mục ISI và/hoặc SCOPUS của IFI

Thứ ba - 31/01/2023 17:17

Dưới đây là các xuất bản thuộc danh mục ISI và/hoặc SCOPUS của Viện Quốc tế Pháp ngữ, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội (IFI).


Manh Hung Nguyen and Tuong Vinh Ho (2016), An Agent-based Model for Simulation of Traffic Network Status: Applying for Hanoi City, SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (to appear). ISSN:0037-5497 (1741-3133) (SCIE)



Le, N.T.T., Hanachi, C., Stinckwich, S., Ho, T.V. (2016), Discovering crisis models to help assess coordination plans, Vietnam Journal of Computer Science, pp. 1–14, ISSN 2196-8896, DOI 10.1007/s40595-016-0078-9 (2016), Springer, Scopus



Xuan-Hien Ta, Benoit Gaudou, Dominique Longin, Tuong Vinh Ho, Manh Hung Nguyen, (2017), Modeling and simulation of the effects of social relation and emotion on decision making in emergency evacuation, Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) - Volume 8 No 9 September 2017, ISSN:2158-107X (2156-5570), ISI



Xuan-Hien Ta, Benoit Gaudou, Dominique Longin, Tuong Vinh Ho (2017), Emotional contagion model for group evacuation simulation, Informatica-journal of computing and informatics, Vol. 41, Num. 2, June 2017, ISSN: 0350-5596, pp. 169-182, ISI



Selain Kaserekaa, Nathanaël Kasoroa, Kyandoghere Kyamakya, Emile-Franc Doungmo Goufoc, Abiola P. Chokkid, Maurice V. Yengo (2018), Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation for evacuation of people from a building in case of fire , The 9th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies  (ANT 2018)
2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs



Azise Oumar Diallo, Dominique Longin, Tuong Vinh Ho (2018), Better emotion modeling by taking into account environment factors and human profiles in crisis situations, Published in: 2019 IEEE-RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF)



Kafando Rodrique, Hồ Tường Vinh, Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng (2019), An Agent-based Simulation for Studying Air Pollution from Traffic in Urban Areas : The Case of Hanoi City,  International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) - Volume 10 No 3 March 2019.



Nathanael Kasoro Selain Kaserekaa, Elie Mayoghab, Ho Tuong Vinh, Joel¨ Kingangaa (2019), PercoMCV: A hybrid approach of community detection in social networks, The 10th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT) April 29 - May 2, 2019, Leuven, Belgium



Ngô Tự Lập (2020), Critiquing the Promotion of American Biased Liberal Arts Education in Post-Đổi mới Vietnam” Chapter 7, In book: Higher Education in Market-Oriented Socialist Vietnam, September 2020



Selain Kasereka Kabunga, Emile Franc Doungmo Goufo, Kyandoghere Kyamakya, Hồ Tường Vinh (2020), A stochastic agent-based model and simulation for controlling the spread of tuberculosis in a mixed population structure, World Scientific Proceedings Series on Computer Engineering and Information ScienceDevelopments of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Computation and Robotics, pp. 659-666 (2020)



Selain Kasereka Kabunga, Emile Franc Doungmo Goufo, Kyandoghere Kyamakya, Hồ Tường Vinh (2020), Analysis and simulation of a mathematical model of tuberculosis transmission in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kasereka Kabunga et al. Advances in Difference Equations, 2020, Article number: 642 (2020)



Vo Thanh Vinh, Nguyen The Vinh and Le Van Dai (2021), Partly-Isolated DC-DC Converter for DC Bus BatteryPV Solar Energy System, GMSARN International Journal 16 (2022) 263-272



Thi Minh Ngoc Luu, Phuong Mai Nguyen, Nguyen-Nhu-Y Ho, Danh Thang Phung (2021), Antecedents of the intention to use electronic payment: evidence from individual and household retailers in Vietnam, Int. J. Electronic Business, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2021



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